Fast Pace Technology Change

Imagine going back to the supplier but not being able to buy the same product as it has been ‘upgraded’. What if, we could fix how the product looks like but still let it be upgraded constantly. What if we can make it ‘futureproof’? You will always get the latest technology, you will always get the best price and highest efficiency, the output and colour will always be the same, the size will be the same, the look and feel of the product remains and if you switch one out for the other you will not notice the difference at all. We start by looking at a standard with similar intentions, the Zhaga standard. The light engine and the driver get changed regularly while the casing should not. All light engine makers should have the same sizing limitations, installation method and only differ in lighting performance. That way a lighting luminaire can be fitted by light engines from any manufacturer. In other words, you don’t change how it looks, but you can change how it performs which allows for upgrades. At AdvanLED, we are advocators of the future proof concept.
An example here is our DLM Downlight:
Notice how all the upgrades look the same?
Our DLM series may have an output of 1100 to 5000lm, different casing sizes, different colours. It could also be used in other ways such as low bays or hanging lights. The outlook is always the same for all upgrades.
We fixed how the product looks but still let it be upgraded constantly. You will always get the latest technology, you will always get the best price and highest efficiency, the output and colour will always be the same, the size will be the same, the look and feel of the product remains and if you switch one out for the other you will not notice the difference at all. That’s FUTURE PROOF.