Football Field Lighting Standards
Football field lighting is not as easy as it may sound. It is divided into three categories, which according to the EN12193 international standards is ideal.
1. Class III
As per standards of EN12193, the LED lighting guidelines include 75 lux horizontal lights for recreational and training purpose in field. When it comes to recreational football fields and high school football grounds, the range is usually from 75 lux to 200 lux.
2. Class II
Class II involves the lighting guidelines for leagues and clubs. The standards are 200 lux horizontal lightings with the uniformity of 0.6. This is especially set for semi-professional stadiums.
3. Class I
Class I includes all the stadiums for professional purposes. These stadiums are to be used for televising the events as well, for which the lighting needs to be professional as well. These grounds are used for national and international games so the lights installed must be high performance and of excellent quality. For this purpose, the ground lux ranges from about 1000lux to 2000lux, the uniformity ranges about U1 at 0.7, and U2 around 0.8.

Football Field Lighting Solution Through Pole Adjustment
Mounting the lights correctly as per standards is also important, especially when it comes to professional matches. The lighting should follow the basic guidelines, so that illumination throughout the stadium is accurate

1. Four Corners
Lighting at four corners imply that the lighting poles are set at four corners around the stadium,so that the light beams cover from corners to center of the ground. For this purpose, the height for poles must be as high as possible so that the light can travel easily to the center while controlling anti-glare as well as uniformity of light. To create uniformity in lights, the height of installation should be at least above 30 meters from the ground in Class I stadium.

2. Four Poles in Center
In this category, the four lighting poles are arranged at the very center of the two sides; this enable the light beams to cover the complete ground evenly. This is important to consider, so this needs to be set as high as possible as well.
2. Four Poles in Center
In this category, the four lighting poles are arranged at the very center of the two sides; this enable the light beams to cover the complete ground evenly. This is important to consider, so this needs to be set as high as possible as well.

3. Six to Eight Pole Distribution
When it comes to more lighting poles, the height of the poles does not need to be too high. The uniformity will come with normal height as well. This is usually for training grounds in high schools and community grounds