In 1976, Eric Favre, an employee of Nestlé, invented, patented and introduced the Nespresso system to the business market in Switzerland, initially without significant success. He was inspired as he observed a crowd of locals waiting outside a particular coffee bar in Rome and watched a Barista’s methods closely. Nespresso first tested its new concept in Japan in 1986, and rolled it out to consumers in Switzerland, France, Italy and Japan the same year.A decade later, in part due to the efforts of Jean-Paul Gaillard who introduced the «Le Club» community, the product became more successful. In 1990, Nestlé signed a contract with Turmix, which started to sell Nespresso machines in Switzerland.
Nespresso opens its first boutique at The Gardens Mall, Mid Valley City. They have contact us for a redesign on it’s LED Display board to let the guests have an immersive coffee experience allowing for deeper learning and coffee exploration.
P2.98 SMD LED Module have been selected to be the main star of this project. The dimension of the board approximately about 2.5m(H) x 1.5m(W). The installation only took about 2 days and a newly re-design advertising board have been born.
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